Friday, November 12, 2010

Honganji Temple

Honganji Temple
Originally uploaded by bdeakin
Test image post from Flickr.

Trip to Japan

Being that I didn't have a personal blog (I made a foray into blogging when I bought a sailboat last year, and was only nominally successful) I decided to kick this one off so that I could document my trip to Japan and hopefully capture some useful information for people who are interested in going. My trip wasn't exactly typical (I crashed at a friend's place and stayed mostly at western style hotels), but I did use the 7-day shinkansen pass for foreigners, so hopefully I'll have some helpful information related to that.

There are probably a number of other topics I'd like to talk about (unrelated to Japan or travel, which I want to talk about in the short term) and this might be a good forum for that, but let's take these things day by day, okay?